“Find something that you consider Aesthetically Pleasing” – Assignment post

~When I was first given this brief I spent a lot of time looking around my house at things that I found pleasing to look at, but I realized I found them pleasing as they were of a sentimental value, trinkets I found comfort in, to look at the objects visually rather than personally took a lot more time than I thought it would ~

What I came to was the palette I was provided with during the time I spent doing my GCSE Art course. The shape, as you can see below, is a flower. I remember when I was first given it I thought how it was appealing to the eyes, but not really all that practical in quantity it could hold. (This suspicion was given a more firm ground to stand on when I started using more water based paints, rather than acrylic and less “runny” mediums. The gaps in the palette became glaringly obvious as the colours mixed together.)
The over all shape of the palette was and still is appealing to me and was probably one of the driving forces that kept me using it again and again. That along with the feeling of it when I held it in my hand, the curving of the edges made it comfortable to hold in my palm, and I wasn’t concerned about dropping it.
Now, if you Google “aesthetically pleasing” it doesn’t only refer to shape, it can also mean attraction to the colours present in the object. (This is where I was stumped as far as the brief is concerned, as the colours present in the palette were something I had done myself a long time ago, and weren’t present in it originally.) I love to use drawing inks as a medium, and after finishing a piece of work over summer, I accidentally forgot to clean my palette. When I returned to it the colours had mixed, and dried, and I didn’t want to scrape the dried ink off. As such I still have it in my room, sat on my desk more akin to a  decoration than anything, as I no longer use it for its intended purpose. The mixture of colours is in my opinion very beautiful and I enjoy seeing it when I do, and on a few occasions it has inspired personal artwork that I have done.

Flower pallet

An image of the palette


A photograph of the work that resulted in the palette’s appearance