Long term assignment – Personal video

Today I was assigned A terrifying an interesting project that I am to work on for the next few weeks. Create a one and a half minute video about something that has happened in my life.

All individuals who were set this task have been given two weeks in which to complete it, starting today, that’s this Thursday, next Thursday, and the Thursday morning after that. After spending the best part of an hour musing away I decided to make my video on the subject of me moving to my new home, it was the first time I’d moved house in about seven years and it was extremely daunting. As such I thought it would be interesting to do that.

Of course that meant me sitting around doing photo editing today since I had no photos on hand with which I could start this movie. But I’m hoping to get quite a few decent ones over the weekend.

Since I don’t really have very much else to show, here’s some more photos I took and edited:

photoshopped canopy

A photo taken in the forest outside my campus, a dark blue filter has been placed over the entire image, and the lighting has been altered to accentuate the darker and lighter tones in the image. Making it look more surreal.

photoshopped beach

A photo of the beach near my house, a red filter has been placed over it to accentuate the sunset, and the stones have had a separate filter over them to make them more pronounced.

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